16 December 2007


so it just dawned on me that i do indeed have a blog and that I have completely forgotten about it until now... about 5 weeks after my last blog.

I currently finished my 5th quarter of school. 6 more to go. I'll be over halfway done in march, how amazing is that? The quarter ended pretty uneventfully. Although I don't have my grades yet, I'm sure I did just as well as always do.

Now all that i'm facing is 3 weeks of break. Pretty much the only thing I need to do is find volvo parts and stereo for my car after some damage due to a break in occurred. The people also stole my CD's so whoever reads this, if you could make me a few for christmas that would be great :)

I'll also be watching Josh and Dan a number of times, buying christmas presents, spending time with friends and family and going skiing a few times.

Lastly, I'm sure you'd all like to know that James and I are doing great :) Our relationship is care-free, laid-back and relaxing. I don't get to see him for the break, which i'm a little bummed about, but its not like i don't see him when we are in spokane and i've definitely learned that he's worth the wait (please think back to last year...)

that's all for now...


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