25 September 2007

here I come!

As I get ready for bed tonight, thinking about what tomorrow holds I'm surprised by what I feel. Last year at this time I had no idea what was in store for me. I was excited, nervous, apprehensive, happy. This year, while some of those feelings are still there, I also feel some level of dread, knowing what is to come, exhaustion before it even starts, and a sense of wanting it to be over before it begins.

We met the first years tonight, and they are full of this sense of wonder and elation to learn... and I don't feel that. The spark is somewhat gone and I really just want to be a PT. I'm sure that once school gets in the swing of things I'll get back on track, but the anticipation is just killing me. I want more summer... and I don't want 10 weeks of 'really fun' school.

On the upside, I officially met my roommate and we get along just perfect! I think its going to be really fun and we've been having a blast decorating the house and making everything fun. We are fully having craft parties and movie nights, and planning when we are having guests over and stuff. I totally love it!

This quarter doesn't look too tough... we have Neuromuscular Systems, and Musculoskeletal systems where they teach us how to treat specific problems and then Exercise Phys, which is how your body responds to exercise and then a bunch of seminars, so I don't think its going to be too crazy.

alright, that's it I think... hopefully i'll do an ok job of keeping up on blogging this quarter. no promises though!


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