13 August 2007

sorry its been so long

So I'm here in Spokane for a few days while I wait for Wednesday to come so I can move my stuff out of this apartment and into a new one. Its kinda lonely because all of my friends/roommates/everyone has gone home since our clinical internships ended on Friday. Its been a great summer in Spokane, and while I'm glad we are on official "summer break" I feel like my first summer has just ended.

My clinical ended very well, I got quite high marks on the review of my skills that my CI filled out. Additionally, they basically offered me a job when I get out of class. I'm not really interested in living in Spokane for the long term BUT, it was nice to get confirmation that I made a good enough impact on them and demonstrated proper skills, professionalism, attitude, etc. that they would want me back.

I should add in that my best friend in Spokane, James, and I decided to start dating about a week and a half ago. I'm totally thrilled about this. He has really shown amazing character through our friendship and now I'm learning who he is on a deeper level... and I'm finding a man of God who is kind hearted, strong natured, good willed, and quite handsome ;) He is totally fantastic, and I think that a lot of my "summer ending" feeling is because he left to go back home to Eagle Point, OR (near medford) and its been such an elated couple of weeks that its strange not having him around now (but that's heightened because really no one is around).

I will, however, see him on the 24th when I fly down to Medford for his best friend's wedding. I'll spend 3 full days there and see what its all about, because he feels really strongly that he's supposed to end up back there, so if this relationship is going anywhere, I should prolly spend a few days there and try to enjoy it/get to know it, his family, and his stomping grounds.

So now to go home on Thursday after moving all of my stuff into my new place. This next month I'll be painting my aunt's apartment building and any other random work that she and my mom can come up with for me. Hopefully I make enough money to make this next year a little less strenuous.

ate mais,

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