08 April 2007

Happy Easter!

I can't believe it has already been a month since my last blog! And here I am, Easter 2007, 1 week into spring quarter, a successful PT student as of right now. Its hard to believe its already April, hard to believe that we are 9 weeks away from having basically a third of the program under our belts. Even more unbelievable the lessons I've learned: both intellectually and emotionally, spiritually and physically.

After realizing that I wouldn't be able to spend Easter with family in Entiat, a few of us PT school folks decided to have an Easter feast of our own. Sitting around the table today I was reminded once again how very fortunate/blessed I've been this year to be surrounded by so many wonderful christians. I can't believe that God would bring such wonderful people into my life. People that I have become instantly close to, dependent on, and loved by. On the flip side though, 6 months ago I had no idea what type of blessings God would pour out upon me, now, as i'm overflowing with His goodness I become immediately sad knowing that in a year and a half we will all be split apart again.

We are picking our second clinical this quarter. People are already 'going home' in a sense, and I feel myself almost wanting to disengage, knowing that the people I have come to love so quickly will be so distant so soon. I want to live in my happy physical therapy world, where I get to see James, Kristen, Gretchen, Kevin, Ryan, Karen, Holly, and everyone else almost daily. I realized over spring break how much I love these people, and how after 3 days I miss them. How much worse will it be the end of summer 2008 when we all go our separate ways. I am going to want to be in a million places at once... and I already feel like I left part of my heart in Brasil... now I'll want to be all over the northwest too...

all in all though... how great are God's blessings, how wonderful His love, how abounding His grace, how deep His forgiving power, how little I could ever do on my own.

i love you Lord, and I lift my voice, to worship You, oh, my soul, rejoice. Take joy my King, in what You hear. May it be a sweet, sweet sound, in Your ear.

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