01 March 2007

Gait Lab and a really cool injury

Yesterday I had the honor of putting on a million little electrodes and reflective balls to get my gait (walk) recorded by 6 cameras in Dr. Mizners lab. The cameras take pictures of me from different angles and then digitally puts it back together to crease a 3D image that we can use to learn about forces and the mechanics of walking. It was really cool! and I had fun doing this "once in a lifetime" experience, at least I don't THINK i'll get the chance to do it again. Maybe when we get the program i'll be able to put a clip of it on my blog.

Also, did anyone see Shaun Livingston (bball player for the Clippers) bust up his knee on Monday? It is possibly the worst injury that he could have had: snaping 3 of the 4 ligaments in his knee, dislocating his Lateral Meniscus and dislocating his kneecap. It was gruesomely awesome. Here is a picture of him laying in agony on the court with his knee all banged up. If you want to see the video of it (it will make you squirm) google Shaun Livingston injury, or go to ESPN.com and you'll be able to find it no sweat.

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