13 September 2006

here we go!

My Brasil blog was such a hit I thought I'd make one for PT school also. I hope I can be deligent enough to update it regularly, and be a little more thorough than "Arrrgh! too much work, haven't slept in days", but no promises. Knowing that PT school will be harder than undergrad leads me to believe that free time isn't something I'll have a lot of. I hope that everyone can keep me in their prayers, give me a call randomly to get me out of my studying hole, or even drop by spokane (with a little warning) and hang out. I'm sure that I'm going to be missing you all terribly even if I have 35 new friends in my class to keep me company.

1 comment:

Jeana said...

How's your new house??? I want to see pictures! It will be so weird not having you around once college stuff starts at church-I'll miss you! Let me know when you're in town. We have a standing coffee date anytime. =)